The go-to guide for businesses wanting to level up their marketing

Strategize Up: The Simplified Blueprint To Scaling Your Business

Unlock the easy way to market, build, and scale your business. Discover proven methodologies, frameworks, and insights by Troy Sandidge to activate your growth.

looking for proven growth methodologies?

Get The Blueprint To 'Strategize Up' Your Business To Scale!

Strategize Up: The Simplified Blueprint To Scaling Your Business is a must read that will give you insightful concepts, frameworks, methodologies, and tactics to activate your mindset, amplify your marketing, and accelerate your sales pipeline to achieve sustainable and scalable success illustrated in a very simplified, engaging way to empower your business to maximize for profitability in this ever-evolving digital world.

This book will show you how to:

Craft Your Vision and Reverse Engineer Your Goals
Build High-Impact Social Media Campaigns
Develop Revenue-Driven Marketing Operations
Master the Art of Closing Sales Conversations
Cultivate Brand Advocates and Customer Loyalty
Optimize Every Aspect of Your Business for Real Results
Fortify Your Growth Journey to Maximize Your Profitability

About The Author

The book was written over the span of three years by award-winning marketing strategist Troy Sandidge who has over 15 years of experience creating pathways that accelerates the profitability for emerging brands to Fortune 100. Sandidge has successfully generated over $175 Million for companies worldwide by formulating strategies, building systems, and developing solutions that drives revenue, growth, and impact.

The book takes readers through Troy’s personal and professional journey as he gives real-life examples and provides practical advice on generating more revenue, building a personal and business brand, and navigating the ebbs and flows in the pursuit of a profitable business. He expresses how important it was to write a business book rooted in his own experiences as a black man and professional.

"As you can imagine, even in the twenty-first century, being a young and ambitious African American is challenging enough and even harder when it comes to business. People need to read a book that makes marketing, business, and growth simple but told through the mind of a black man that is raw, real, authentic, and inspiring that shares knowledge and resources the reader can easily comprehend to go out there and take action to grow their business. I thought it was imperative to showcase that a book by a black voice incorporating black culture and references can effectively teach you how to develop an all-encompassing strategy that will work." — Troy Sandidge

Known as the Strategy Hacker®, Troy's unique approach combines deep insights from psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, and business ethnography with cutting-edge marketing, sales enablement, and content strategies. His proprietary frameworks, including the C.L.O.V.E.R. Business Framework, D.A.R.T. Marketing Methodology, and L.E.A.D.S. Generator Blueprint, have become essential tools for businesses looking to navigate complex challenges and achieve next-level growth. As the Chief Strategist and Founder of Strategy Hackers®, he uses all of these things to help position his clients' marketing, sales, and overall business efforts for success, driving sustainable profitability and scalable revenue.

+ Learn more about Troy personal story and professional background.
+ Listen to his Webby-nominated podcast, iDigress, with nearly 1 Million downloads.
+ Listen to Troy's journey as a Black Entrepreneur & Creator and lessons learned.
Contact Troy for interviews, press, speaking, media, or permission to feature his book.

Book Overview

Are you an entrepreneur or business leader struggling to grow your company?
Do you feel overwhelmed trying to breakthrough limitations and scale up?

If you feel stuck trying to grow your business, the problem isn't you—it's 100% your approach.

Over 70% of businesses fail every year because they execute without a great strategy.

→ Wasting time on numerous tactics and activities that do not generate sales and maintain cashflow.
→ Spending a lot of money on paid ads, costly tools, and other resources but not getting adequate ROI.
→ Creating a ton of content for social media platforms but not getting any conversations or conversions.

Do not underestimate the impact strategy for your business. Strategy is Power!

Strategy is a right now principle. Make it a priority. Don't wait until it's too late to activate it.
If you're not planning now for the next year of growth, you're already a year behind.

No matter your industry, experience level, or familiarity with marketing and sales, this book gives you the blueprint that empowers you to achieve unprecedented growth and sustainable success in today's digital age. Learn how to integrate efficient strategies within your entire business, marketing, branding, social media, operations, and sales infrastructure that harness sociology, anthropology, and psychology to skyrocket your results!

Explore insightful concepts, frameworks, methodologies, and tactics to activate your mindset, amplify your marketing, and accelerate your sales pipeline to achieve sustainable and scalable success illustrated in a very simplified, engaging way to empower businesses to maximize their profitability in this ever-evolving digital world.

Book Intended Audience & Impact

Strategize Up contains various strategic disciplines incorporating sociology, anthropology, and psychology illustrated in a very simplified, engaging way to empower businesses to maximize their profitability in this ever-evolving digital world.

"My goal in writing this book is to make growth simple no matter the business, industry, profession, or how much experience you have in marketing and sales. I’ve compiled over a decade of experience and insights into a written blueprint that doesn’t make marketing intimidating but instead easy to understand in the hopes to show the reader that growth is possible." — Troy Sandidge

The Blueprint:
Introduction: Strategy Is Power
Chapter 1: Content Is The Fuel
Chapter 2: Marketing Is The Roadmap
Chapter 3: Social Media Is The Highway
Chapter 4: Sales Is The Destination
Chapter 5: Culture Is The GPS
Conclusion: It’s Time To Execute

This book is intended for entrepreneurs, founders, marketers, marketing teams, small businesses, enterprises looking to scale, agencies, freelancers,  current college students, and beyond. Whether you’ve been in the industry for a long time or just started, it is an easy read and can provide insights and value to all!

According to Troy:

"This book will provide you with simple concepts on how to tap into millions of buyers with your story, which social media channels to use to activate and amplify your brand message, and how to incorporate the right mindset and level of momentum necessary to achieve business success. You will learn how to level up your marketing using high-quality content, get (and retain) business during the toughest of times, and go from formulating strategies to building systems to developing solutions to scaling your business for sustainable growth.If there is nothing else the reader takes away from this book, the key thing they will walk away with is understanding three words: strategy is power."

Strategy leads to growth.
Strategy leads to revenue.
Strategy leads to progress.
Strategy leads to opportunities.
Strategy leads to abundance.
Strategy leads to success.

The Three Part Breakdown:

1. Successful Strategies Need To Be Simple

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
— Hans Hoffmann, Introduction to the Bootstrap

We must simplify the structures, systems, and processes involved to create strategies that everyone can understand and will work. The quickest route to success is a straight-line. A straight line in its purest form is simple. Activate the power of simplicity. Eliminate complexity, confusion, and clutter to create clarity and generate consistent conversions.

2. Successful Strategies Need To Be Scalable

"A service is said to be scalable if when we increase the resources in a system, it results in increased performance in a manner proportional to resources added.”
— Werner Vogels

We must fortify strategies to become an endless jigsaw puzzle with the ability to add pieces that fit to make the full picture grand. The possibilities are infinite. The strategies that generates the most money are the ones that are design to be a living, breathing, plan of action that can expand to handle higher-level growth and capacity. Scaling growth is about creating strategies and systemizing your business in a way that easily scales in order to generate consistent revenue growth and avoid stall-points without adding a ton of extra cost.

3. Successful Strategies Need To Be Sustainable

"After a business implements a strategy, competitors will react, and the firm’s strategy will need to adapt to meet the new challenges. There is no stopping point and no final battle. The competitive cycle continues on perpetually. Produce and compete or perish.”
— Thomas Timings Holme

We must create strategies with the end in mind and reverse engineer them to be nimble, flexible, and rooted in a strong foundation. The most efficient strategies are the ones that don’t just work today but continue to work tomorrow, next week, and even 6-months from now at the very least. Strategy is NOT a “set-it-and-forget-it” thing. Strategy is a living and breathing thing that involves constant evolution to continue to be effective.

Book Foundation & Marketing Philosophy

Imagination is the Engine.
Content is the Fuel.
Social Media is the Highway.
Marketing is the Roadmap.
Sales is the Destination.
Culture is the GPS.

Troy wrote this as a tweet on April 14, 2015 to help him wrap his head around this new concept visually.
This ended up being the literal outline and backbone for the marketing philosophy behind Strategize Up.

Praise For Strategize Up

"Troy is a master at creating simple strategies that you can follow from the moment you set the book down. Buy the book - it's straightforward, a quick read and I would be willing to bet that there's at least one gem you will take away from it."
— Daina M., Head of AI & Digital Marketing

"This book changed my business! The strategies inside the book help me increase my business revenue. This book is great for business owners who are looking to scale their business to another level."
— Julien E., Business Owner

"Troy Sandidge is a master at challenging your beliefs about strategy, marketing, and scaling your business while simultaneously inspiring you to take strategic action. This book along with his podcast iDigress has been a help to me!"
— Nathalie G., Founder & Author

"Troy approaches marketing from a very strategic viewpoint, bringing actionable advice tempered with analytical thinking. His easy-to-remember mnemonics are simple but powerful and can be applied to wherever you are in your business."
— Maria E., CEO & Agency Consultant

"I've started my entrepreneur journey and found that Troy has a way of transforming the complex into simplified actionable steps. With all of the creative acronyms, great marketing advice, and personable storytelling, this is a great book to read!"
— Luna M., Startup Founder

+ Read In-Depth 'Strategize Up' Book Review Article Written By Brett Pucino
Watch Amazon Live Book Review & Author Interview By Jim Fuhs & Chris Stone Of Dealcasters  
+ Leave A Review For Strategize Up (All Review Greatly Appreciated)

* None of these were paid reviews or endorsements.

Bulk Orders, Media, & Press Inquiries

For quotes, bulk orders, speaking opportunities, media, press, interviews on podcasts, livestreams, radio, or television about Strategize Up or author Troy Sandidge, contact representation team.

© Troy Sandidge and Strategy Hackers, LLC. All rights reserved. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of Strategize Up: The Simplified Blueprint To Scaling Your Business without permission is a theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like permission to use any material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact representation team.

Troy's simplified & proven core strategies in the book

The Big Three

Strategize Up is built upon Troy Sandidge’s coined and proven strategies, methodologies, and frameworks that are easy to remember, understand, and implement to elevate your marketing, branding, messaging, positioning, and selling: D.A.R.T. Marketing Methodology, C.L.O.V.E.R. Business Framework, and L.E.A.D.S. Generator Blueprint.

The D.A.R.T. Marketing Methodology enables growth marketing to perform efficiently and effectively to hit KPIs.

Be Direct
Be Authentic
Be Resourceful
Be Tactical

All of these are necessary to produce marketing initiatives and perform marketing efforts to achieve the results you want.

The C.L.O.V.E.R. Business Framework maximizes business productivity and systems for sustainability and scalability.

Vision + Value

These are the pillars (and the process formula) to align for sustainability and activate for scalability to occur within your business.

The L.E.A.D.S. Generator Blueprint optimizes sales funnels and selling processes while improving brand positioning and messaging to reach desired acquisition numbers.

Lead Generation (Leverage Language To Launch)
Engagement (Educate & Entertain To Enchant)
Authority (Attract & Amplify To Activate)
Demand (Dream Big & Distinguish Yourself To Drive)
Sales (Share Frequently & Support Often To Shine)

These desired results and their human-centric requirement counterparts are all needed to measure, obtain, and achieve adequate sales and profitability.

Listen To Troy's Collection of 120+ Episodes: iDigress Podcast